Manpreet Singh
On June 20, 2023, Canada’s Patented Medicines Prices Review Board (PMPRB) published a proposed interim guidance for the prices of new patented medicines (i.e., those that received marketing authorization from Health Canada after July 1, 2022), benchmarking prices to a median international price (MIP) of 11 comparator countries (referred to as the PMPRB11). The proposed interim guidance was subject to a consultation period which concluded on August 21, 2023. After consideration of the feedback that was received from stakeholders, the PMPRB announced last week that it will adopt the interim guidance, effective immediately.
This decision is stated to provide manufacturers of new medicines with some predictability regarding the status of their list price review during the interim period while the PMPRB continues to consult and develop full guidelines. It should also address the substantial backlog of reviews on the pricing of new patented medicines, none of which have been subject to price reviews by PMPRB staff.
It was also announced that a consultation relating to the new guidelines on the regulations implementing the PMPRB11 will be launched in the coming weeks.
The PMPRB’s decision to adopt the proposed guidance was driven by the following considerations:
It is important to note that a “reviewed” price can be reassessed after the interim guidance period ends and new final guidelines are in place. The PMPRB has indicated that there will be no clawback of potential excess revenues for sales of new medicines, whose list prices are below MIP of PMPRB11, during the interim period.
The PMPRB intends to consult on a new set of guidelines in the coming weeks. The new consultation will be an iterative process conducted in stages. The first stage will be based on themes relevant to the new guidelines, namely issues and trends that impact health care, pharmaceuticals, etc. The second stage of consultation, expected in 2024, will focus on the development of new guidelines, presumably with details on the price tests that will be used by the PMPRB going forward.
For additional information, please see our earlier bulletins on the interim guidance and the PMPRB generally.
To discuss these issues, please contact the author(s).
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