This article is part of our M&A outlook for 2024.
Despite challenging macroeconomic trends as we head into 2024, overall M&A activity in the Canadian market remains robust. For many public companies, in fact, the conditions may be ripe for unsolicited M&A proposals—undervalued public company share prices, shareholders pressuring companies for performance improvement and liquidity, and potentially less competition among buyers who may not have access (or the appetite) for financing in the current high-interest rate environment. Unsolicited M&A proposals come in a wide variety of forms: some will be preliminary while others will be ready to execute; some will be friendly, others may be hostile. Whatever the circumstances, companies will need to be prepared to consider, evaluate and potentially respond to any of these situations. In this article we discuss M&A preparedness for target public companies and steps they can take on receipt of an unsolicited M&A proposal.
When an M&A proposal is submitted, bidders typically exert significant pressure on the company to respond swiftly. Advance preparation allows for a more organized and effective response to an unanticipated proposal and enhances the company’s ability to control the process, on its own timeline, and achieve optimal outcomes for stakeholders.
Companies should consider taking the following steps in advance of any proposal being received:
There is no one-size-fits-all approach for how a company should respond to an unsolicited M&A proposal. Each response will be largely contextual, dependent on the attractiveness of the proposal, credibility of the bidder and state of the target company, among other factors.
If the company receives a bona fide proposal meriting active consideration, it should take the following steps before determining how to respond:
The Board should always act promptly to consider a credible proposal, but take the necessary time to evaluate the proposal, seek input from advisors and formulate an appropriate response. That said, the Board is not obligated to engage with a bidder or start a sale process and a Board may decide that maintaining the status quo is in fact the best alternative for a company.
In considering a proposal and determining its response, here are some important questions for a Board to ask:
Management input is critical to an effective M&A response. Management knows the business and its prospects, and all of the company’s stakeholders—shareholders, employees, customers, suppliers—better than anyone. Management is responsible for executing on the company’s strategic plan and building the forecast that is key to assessing the company’s value.
Despite their importance to the success of any process, management is inherently conflicted in any M&A transaction. Any transaction will likely have a material impact on management roles, compensation and the company’s go-forward strategy.
Boards can manage these conflicts with strategies to preserve the independence of the process while facilitating the appropriate input of management. Typical techniques include:
When two parties that have a preexisting material relationship enter into a transaction, conflicts of interest may arise. Typical conflicts of interest include: a bid made by a significant shareholder (whether or not it has a board representative); or a management buyout where the CEO and other members of management are either making the proposal or working jointly with a bidder.
Conflicts in related-party transactions can create major issues if they are not identified early and appropriately managed. Unmanaged conflicts can (i) impair the effectiveness of a company’s response and ability to achieve the optimal results for its stakeholders, (ii) leave the company exposed to challenge from other parties and shareholders, and (iii) result in reputational damage.
To address conflicts, conflicted directors should recuse themselves and the company should establish a special committee of disinterested directors with sufficient time and experience to devote to the M&A process.
Conflicts are growing as an area of focus for regulators and courts. As a threshold matter, the company must consider whether a proposal presents any conflicts of interest for directors and management. Special regulatory requirements, including minority shareholder approval and independent formal valuations, may be applicable for related-party transactions under Multilateral Instrument 61-101.
Hostile bids that are unsolicited and unwelcome by a target board are relatively infrequent in Canada but do occur from time to time—particularly where a target company is vulnerable or likely to be sought after by multiple parties. Hostile bids are especially time-intensive for target Boards and management teams.
Companies have options available to them to defend against a hostile takeover bid. Most commonly, target companies will try to convince target shareholders to resist an offer, search for another buyer or deploy regulatory or political pressure.
However, defensive measures that constrain shareholder choice or lead to a coercive result in respect of a change-of-control transaction will be subject to regulatory scrutiny. In Canada, structural defences in constating documents or by-laws of a company (e.g., supermajority voting provisions, staggered board provisions, prohibitions on shareholders’ ability to call meetings, removal of directors only for cause) are extremely rare and are often either not permitted or ineffective under Canadian corporate law.
Ultimately, the best defence against a hostile bid is a clear and well-articulated strategic plan that is supported by shareholders, a strong management team focused on executing on that plan, and an active and open dialogue with shareholders.
To discuss these issues, please contact the author(s).
This publication is a general discussion of certain legal and related developments and should not be relied upon as legal advice. If you require legal advice, we would be pleased to discuss the issues in this publication with you, in the context of your particular circumstances.
For permission to republish this or any other publication, contact Janelle Weed.
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